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Opinion | See who is committing genocide, according to American media

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The dreaded G-word is here again. Given the dangerous situation in the world, and especially in Palestine, where do you think “the greatest persecution of Muslims at the hands of non-Muslims since at least the Yugoslav wars” is taking place? In the US news media In a parallel world, that is, of course, China.

“The silent genocide against Uyghurs and other Muslim minorities in Xinjiang is the worst persecution of Muslims at the hands of non-Muslims since at least the Yugoslav wars,” read the most widely read article last Friday. An editorial in The Hill newspaper caused an uproar. The publication was distributed throughout Washington, the US Congress and the White House. “China is carrying out what Israel’s harshest critics accuse the IDF of doing: the systematic cleansing of innocent Muslims at the hands of infidels. That massacre is also a closely guarded secret…”

“Serenity”? A “kept secret”? seriously! Until recently, it was impossible to open an Anglo-American newspaper or website without reading about how the Chinese government was trying to wipe out the Uyghurs. And if you try to point out that their population is growing and their birth rate far exceeds that of the dominant Han Chinese population, critics say that is nothing short of wiping out their culture and language. The family said it well.

Also, if you point out that the majority of Uyghurs speak their language freely both at home and in public, and their culture is really on display, it will be on display. Become. – As a tourist attraction, well, that just screams cultural genocide!

As CBS News reported this month, “What we didn’t see was the evidence in jails and prisons…” The absence of evidence means they exist because they are hidden. This is sufficient evidence that it must be true. Understood?

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CBS continues: “The government is investing heavily in Xinjiang, including a multibillion-dollar high-speed rail line. There was evidence everywhere. The message is: forget about human rights violations and enjoy the scenery.”

Are there military barricades everywhere, guarded by heavily armed soldiers? Not completely, CBS reported, but this only further intensified the invisible repression. But overall, there were facial recognition cameras everywhere, and the enforcement and atmosphere was relaxed…”

“In Xinjiang’s bazaars, Uighurs are being Disneyfied. Even the sacred Id Ka Mosque is selling tickets to tourists.”

Let’s sell tickets before letting tourists into the holiest mosque! If that’s not cultural genocide, I don’t know what is. As well as investing heavily in infrastructure, providing free education and healthcare, and building more roads and highways, mosques, schools and hospitals.

But consider what, according to the US media and Washington, is not genocide. It’s the mass murder of civilians, especially women and children, as you know. Bomb the entire territory with American-made weapons. It destroyed mosques, schools, hospitals, universities, historic sites…, killed and imprisoned hundreds of journalists, and targeted doctors and UN staff in complete disregard of the Geneva Conventions and the laws of war. No, it’s not genocide, but more like blood libel.

An editorial in The Hill complains that Arabs do not see China as the monster of the worst genocide against Muslims. The same month, [Palestinian leader] Mahmoud Abbas visited Beijing and supported China’s policies in Xinjiang. ”

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Clearly, Arabs have no idea who is actually persecuting and killing their fellow citizens.

“To prevent China from becoming the dominant foreign power in the Middle East, the United States should make China synonymous with genocide among Middle Easterners,” Hill argued.

The State Department needs to work on this effort, as does its main propaganda agency, the U.S. Agency for Global Media, which runs prominent journalism stations such as Voice of America and Radio Free Asia, the department said. states.

“Synonymous with genocide”? I think people in the Middle East already understand this correctly.

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