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Opinion | How can the Chinese government make unification more attractive to Taiwanese?

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Taiwan’s Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) won an unprecedented general election for the third time, as the Chinese government branded its next president, William Lai Ching-chhe. “Stubborn Taiwanese independence activist”Two questions are being asked: Can peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait be maintained?and achieved Unification by 2049100th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, is it still a realistic idea?

As of June last year, a long-running public opinion poll by Taiwan’s National Chengchi University found that only about 6 percent of Taiwanese surveyed supported reunification or independence as soon as possible, while nearly 88 percent supported the status quo. wanted to maintain it.

in the book U.S.-Taiwan relations: Will China’s challenge lead to a crisis?”, authors Ryan Hass, Bonnie Glaser, and Richard Bush provide a detailed account of the official U.S. position on Taiwan. The United States’ One China policy is guided by the Taiwan Relations Act, three joint statements, and the Six Guarantees.

of Taiwan relations law Authorizes the provision of arms to Taiwan to prevent non-peaceful resolution of the Taiwan issue.of three joint communiqués Confirm the normalization of diplomatic relations with China under the “One China” policy. First communicated by the Reagan administration, “Six Guarantees” for Taiwan He explained that the United States does not take a position on China’s sovereignty over Taiwan, does not play a mediating role, and has no intention of immediately halting arms sales to Taiwan.

The authors argue that U.S. policy must maintain the credibility of Taiwan’s democratic success story and U.S. security commitments without provoking conflict, while at the same time working toward a final peaceful resolution acceptable to the Taiwanese people. The company emphasizes that its purpose is to provide time and space for people.

Therefore, Taiwan, where independence is not a prerequisite, should be given all the space it needs to become a thriving democracy.

The US Department of State “Inquiry Guidelines” It broadly defines what interactions are allowed between the U.S. and Taiwanese governments and what is considered informal contact, even if it sometimes contradicts Beijing’s positions. Constitutionally, Congress is not bound by these guidelines, which could lead to controversy. Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan In 2022.
Taiwan has become an important strategic asset worldwide. control High-end semiconductor chips are the new “oil” of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, redefining commerce, relationships, and geopolitics.

Perhaps more importantly, as Columbia University professor Howard French points out in Foreign Policy, if China were to occupy the island, its navy and other military forces would be free to operate in the Western Pacific. would result in a loss of U.S. influence and power in that critical battlefield. Including all that it means.

No wonder the US is trying to turn this island into an island. Military “Porcupine” Despite stepping up “freedom of navigation operations” in the South China Sea. Amid the US-China conflict, the US seems to view Taiwan as an “unsinkable aircraft carrier,” so it is likely that the Taiwan card will be played many times.

In Beijing’s eyes, the United States’ One China policy is at risk of being hollowed out as Taiwan is helped to play a more prominent role as a nominally independent entity from mainland China.


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In China, world’s largest naval fleetand 3 aircraft carriers and fortified islands in the South China Sea. Still, if pushed too far, full-scale amphibious military operations can become a dangerous undertaking, risking a regional, if not global, war.

In particular, the Taiwan Strait, which is 130 km wide, is almost four times the width of the English Channel, and there are few places in Taiwan suitable for coastal landings.


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announced by beijing 3 white papers As for Taiwan, the last day of the talks will be in August 2022, but both have emphasized that they hope for peaceful reunification, leaving military options as a last resort.

Meanwhile, cross-strait exchanges are also increasing. An estimated 1 million to 2 million Taiwanese people live and work on the mainland. Bilateral tourism continues to thrive. More Taiwanese film directors, actors and actresses are expanding to the mainland, as well as Taiwanese startups.


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Taiwan general election exposes generational rift over possibility of unification with mainland China

Most Taiwanese do not want legal independence for themselves. An analysis by the Brookings Institution, a Washington-based think tank, says reunification has become highly unpopular because the majority cares deeply about their own political system and way of life.

of “One country, two systems” This method, proposed by the Chinese government and practiced in Hong Kong, has lost all support among the Taiwanese population in recent years. It seems that the Chinese government has not yet offered anything so attractive that Taiwanese people are unwilling to reject it.

In order to bring Taiwan into the negotiations, the Chinese government included measures to preserve Taiwan’s way of life as well as Taiwan’s political system, including free and fair elections for leaders and legislatures, and to support Taiwan. A more liberal and accommodative constitutional package may need to be articulated. We will fully fulfill our role as Taiwan (China) and expand our presence on the mainland and internationally, including by joining organizations that do not require nationality.

As the years pass, Beijing will need to think outside the box if China’s dream of peaceful reunification is not to fade away.

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