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Monday, September 23, 2024

Italian privacy watchdog ChatGPT warns OpenAI of violating European privacy laws

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Italian privacy groups launched an investigation into the company last March and temporarily banned ChatGPT for violating EU data rules.


Italy’s privacy watchdog announced on Monday that it had notified OpenAI that the methods used by ChatGPT to collect user data violate EU privacy law.

This comes after Italy’s Garante per la protezione dei dati personi (DPA) launched an investigation into the company in March and temporarily banned the AI ​​chatbot for violating Italian data rules. is.

“We conclude that the available evidence indicates the existence of a violation of the provisions contained in the EU GDPR,” the Italian agency said in a statement obtained by Euronews Next.

“OpenAI may file a counterclaim regarding the alleged violations within 30 days,” the statement continued.

Euronews Next reached out to OpenAI for comment, but had not received a response at the time of publication.

The agency concluded in a statement that it will take into account “the ongoing work within the special task force set up by the European Data Protection Framework (EDPB) in the final decision on this matter.”

GDPR is the EU’s rulebook that governs how companies use, process, and store personal data.

On March 20, Italy’s Garente reported that ChatGPT had experienced a data breach involving payment information and user conversations.

It said there was no legal basis to justify “mass collection and storage of personal data for the purpose of ‘training’ the algorithms underlying the platform’s operation.”

It also said the app does not protect minors because it does not have the ability to verify a user’s age.

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