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African Union Commission calls for “paradigm shift” at Italy-Africa summit | African Union Commission Italy

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“We are not beggars,” the head of the African Union Commission said, as Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni outlined a plan aimed at helping African countries prosper in exchange for curbing illegal immigration. .

Speaking at the much-anticipated Italy-Africa summit in Rome, Moussa Faki welcomed Italy’s proposals to strengthen mutually beneficial relations with the continent, but added: “We cannot be satisfied with mere promises that we cannot keep.” ” he said.

Faki said a “paradigm shift” was needed to usher in “new models of partnership” and pave the way “to a more just and consistent world.” He said, “Africa is not reaching out. We are not beggars.”

Leaders and representatives from 45 African countries, including the presidents of Tunisia, Senegal, Kenya, Republic of the Congo, Zimbabwe and Somalia, visited the Italian capital to hear details of Meloni’s flagship policy, the so-called “Matei Plan.” It was inspired by Enrico Mattei, founder of the oil company Eni, who lobbied Italy to help African countries develop their natural resources and improve their economies in the 1950s.

The summit, held at the prestigious Palazzo Madame, home of the Italian Senate, also included European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, European Council President Charles Michel and EU Parliament President Roberta Mezzola. attended.

Speaking at the start of the event, Mr Meloni said the project would have initial funding of more than €5.5bn (£4.7bn) to invest in a variety of areas including energy, education, health and infrastructure.

“We want to write a new chapter in the history of cooperation,” Meloni said. “Until now, there has been a biased narrative that Africa is a poor continent. This is not true…This country boasts natural resources and a young population.”

Meloni said the project is based on “cooperation between equals” and is “far from a predatory imposition or benevolent attitude towards Africa.”

Italy’s prime minister announced his Africa plan shortly after his far-right government took office in October 2022, with the main goal of turning Italy into an energy hub as Europe withdraws from Russian gas.

Instead of helping African economies thrive, Meloni’s priority has been to stem the flow of African migrants, a promise he has so far failed to fulfill.

Meloni has long appealed to African migrants to receive support at home. Combating human trafficking will be central to the plan, she said, adding that people have the right “not to be forced to migrate in search of a better life, which is difficult in Europe.”

“Mass migration will never stop. Traffickers will never be defeated unless we address the many causes that drive people from their homes,” she said at the summit.

Meloni seeks to put Italy at the forefront of increasing European influence on the continent, and said the presence of EU leaders at the summit confirms European support for Italy’s efforts.

von der Leyen said: “This is a moment of closer and renewed cooperation between Africa and Europe, because not only are our destinies aligned, but our interests are also aligned more than ever. Because there is.”

Mezzola said 12 of the world’s 20 fastest-growing countries are in Africa. “If Africa prospers, Europe will prosper and the world will prosper,” she said.

Raffaele Marchetti, a professor of international relations at Rome’s Luis University, said Meloni was trying to take advantage of France and Germany’s weakened positions in Africa to increase Italy’s influence.

“Italy has an important opportunity,” he said. “Italy also has historical advantages. Although it was a colonial power, it is small and different from other countries, and is seen as a country with which to forge non-predatory relationships. ”

Riccardo Maggi, leader of the small left-wing party Piu Europe, said there was “still great confusion” over how to implement the plan’s objectives.

He was also skeptical that von der Leyen would attend the summit. The Magi said: “She has been there.” [with Meloni] On other occasions, such as last summer’s EU migration deal with Tunisia, which completely failed, her presence is no longer a guarantee of credibility, and unfortunately not even credibility. ”

Anna Bono, a professor of African history at the University of Turin, said Mattei’s plan should be accepted.

She said: “But I think the most delicate thing, even more than the words spoken, is whether we will succeed in finding African leaders who genuinely want to see their countries develop. I mean, many African leaders do. It means to stop seeing our country as an asset to be exploited, as it is.”

In another development on Monday, Albania’s Constitutional Court ruled in favor of a controversial agreement signed with Italy to host two detention centers for people rescued in Italian waters.

The deal, announced by Meloni in November, will see non-EU countries initially take in around 3,000 people, but will eventually process up to 36,000 people a year.

Under the deal, which has been criticized by human rights groups but tacitly approved by the EU, Albania will be allocated those rescued by Italian ships. Minors, pregnant women and vulnerable people will be taken to Italy.

Albania’s Constitutional Court hit a snag in December when it blocked lawmakers from ratifying the bill, and Chief Justice Horta Zasai said it would hold a hearing on Thursday to determine whether the agreement violates Albania’s constitution. Announced.

Critics say the deal, which many compare to the UK-Rwanda deal, has some legal problems. They suggest that for Italy to exercise jurisdiction in Albania, it would effectively have to cede part of Tirana territory to Rome.

But on Monday, Albania’s Supreme Court said in a statement that “this agreement does not undermine Albania’s territorial integrity.”

The court’s ruling came days after Italian parliamentarians voted in favor of the deal, with the lower house of parliament voting 155 to 115 in favor of the protocol, with two abstentions.

The document now goes to the Senate, where it is also expected to be approved.

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