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Monday, September 23, 2024

Catalonia’s president calls for political ‘responsibility’ in approving Spain’s amnesty law

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Catalonia’s president, Pere Aragonés, appealed to political parties to take “responsibility” and approve the amnesty law in an interview with Euronews on Wednesday.


The move comes a day after a controversial amnesty bill was unexpectedly rejected by a narrow margin in Spain’s parliament.

law is part of it an agreement was made A coalition government between the Spanish Socialist Party (PSOE) and the Catalan separatists, led by Pedro Sánchez, was approved in November last year.

“I appeal to all parties to take responsibility so that this amnesty law is not put in jeopardy,” Aragonés told Euronews in Brussels, adding that he hoped the document would be approved “as soon as possible.” added.

His comments appeared to be aimed at former Catalan president Carles Puigdemont’s secessionist party Junts per Catalunya (Junts), whose seven members voted against the amnesty law on Tuesday. The surprise move resulted in the documents being sent back to Congress’ Judiciary Committee.

Both Mr. Juntz and Mr. Aragonés’s Catalan Republican Left (ERC) party were negotiating the bill with Mr. Sánchez’s Socialist Party.

The document calls for an amnesty for all those involved in Catalonia’s push for independence from Spain from 2012 to 2023.

But despite having fiercely defended the law, Jantz and his colleagues rejected the document submitted to parliament, fearing that the latest draft would not guarantee a pardon for de facto ousted leader Puigdemont. .

A fierce backlash against the law, including condemnation from opposition groups and violent protests on the streets of Spain, has drawn international scrutiny. The European Commission is currently analyzing the text, but has not yet issued an opinion on whether the bill complies with rule of law principles.

Mr. Juntz’s resistance could threaten Sanchez’s government, which relies on support from secessionists to maintain its slim majority.

For Aragonés, the deal is a “historic move” for Catalonia to “gain more powers” as Sánchez “must rely on the support of 14 pro-independence MPs” to guarantee stability in his government. “It’s a great opportunity.”

But Aragonés said the pro-independence party ERC, which once shared power with Juntz in Catalonia, was taking a more cooperative approach to Sanchez’s deal with the socialists. Ta.

“I reaffirm my commitment to using all democratic political tools to move forward and to finding better futures and solutions.”

Aragonés calls for new referendum

One of Aragonés’ objectives is to secure an independence referendum, and he has said he is already in talks with Sánchez.

Catalonia’s most recent attempt to secede from Spain in a referendum in 2017 was condemned as illegal under Spanish law.

“Everything that seemed impossible before is now happening,” he said. “So everything they tell us is not possible could be possible in the future if we create the right conditions and keep working.”

Asked if he thought Sanchez would approve the referendum, Aragonés insisted he had faith in the party’s “strength and ability.”

The key for him is negotiation. “Just like a year ago, he [Sánchez] He told me he was not considering the possibility of a pardon, but now he says a referendum is not a possibility. ”

“There’s a pardon going on now. And I’ll tell him.” [Sánchez] “We will clearly continue to defend the referendum on self-determination,” he added.


Catalonia has held two unilateral independence referendums in 2014 and 2017. As a result of the second referendum, half of the government at the time, including Puigdemont, sought asylum in European countries, including Belgium.

Other political leaders were imprisoned until 2021, after which they were granted amnesty by the Sánchez government.

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