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America, Japan or Italy? Five companies selected as finalists for the PFV #Familyissustainability Award, which recognizes the world’s best family businesses

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The third annual PFV #FamilyIsSustainability Awards selected five outstanding companies from a pool of nominees from around the world. One of the companies will be awarded a €100,000 prize next spring, following in the footsteps of previous winners, luxury natural fiber manufacturer Blanc de Bien Tirans and Belgian stringed instrument manufacturer Maison Bernard.

January 31st – These five outstanding family businesses from Japan, Italy, and the United States have inherited their businesses from generation to generation, with exemplary methods, a commitment to excellence, and a flair for innovation that has enabled them to endure through the years. is outstanding. time.

Bianco Bianchi – Italy Elisabetta, Leonardo and Alessandro in the Ancient Room of Scagliore

See their profiles below.

What is the PFV #FAMILYISSUSTAINABILITY award of 100,000 euros?

Primum Familia Vini, an association of 12 prestigious wine producers, champions and supports family business as a sustainable and viable economic model for the future. The families founded the association nearly 30 years ago to share and discuss common problems and challenges.

In 2020, they decided to create the PFV #FamilyIsSustainability Award to support outstanding family businesses that share our values ​​and commitment to excellence, regardless of their field of activity. The award, which is his third, was awarded in the first year to Maison Bernard, Europe’s oldest luthier, and in 2022 to the French luxury wool manufacturer Brando Bientiillin.

Véronique Drouhin of Maison Joseph Drouhin, a winemaker in Burgundy since 1880 and president of PFV, said:

“Since we created this award in 2020, we have been overwhelmed with applications from amazing companies. Meeting the winners is more than just an awards ceremony. It is a rewarding and inspiring experience for all PFV members. It’s a great experience.

All the independent family businesses that applied this year are involved in some great projects. We have selected five particularly outstanding individuals who have maintained a positive dynamic and human-centered values, leading to successful family businesses spanning generations, while striving for uncompromising excellence in their fields of activity. did. These values ​​are important to us at PFV and we are committed to promoting them. ”

PFV Candidate List 2024

HOSOO CO., LTD – Japan Founded in 1688 – 12th generation kimono textile company

“HOSOO was founded in “Nishijin” in the northern part of Kyoto City as a weaving shop that was a purveyor to famous temples. Since then, the family business of Nishijin-ori, Japan’s representative textile, has been passed down for 12 generations.

Nishijin-ori, a yarn-dyed textile from Kyoto, has been cultivated for 1,200 years with the support of aristocrats, samurai families, and wealthy merchants. Today, HOSOO combines the inherited traditional Nishijin textile techniques for obi and kimono with innovative technology and timeless design sensibilities to create one-of-a-kind textiles and provide them to high-end markets both domestically and internationally. doing. ”

Tsutsumi Asakichi Lacquer – Founded in 1909 – 4th generation Japanese natural lacquer

“Our family business specializes in refining Toxicodendron vernicifluum resin into lacquer. This traditional craft includes painting tableware, artwork, religious artifacts, architecture, and more.

Even though the demand for lacquer in Japan has declined by 90% over the past 40 years, our family has thrived through our expertise, quality lacquer, and central role in traditional lacquer making. We have adapted to the challenge by developing the brand’s signature UV-resistant lacquer. We refine 70% of Japanese lacquer, some of which is used in the restoration of national treasures such as Nikko Toshogu Shrine, and we focus on environmentally friendly, sustainable and traditional lacquer.

As a family-owned company, we are responding quickly to the growing global interest in sustainable, long-lasting, handmade products. ”


John Stevens Shop – USA Founded in 1705 – 3rd generation stone carvings

“Founded by an English stonemason named John Stevens, we have specialized in the design and carving of stone inscriptions for 315 years. Refined and developed over centuries, this standard is based on practical work of the hand and eye, guided by a keen understanding of form and aesthetics.

The letters are carved by hand into a variety of materials using hammers, mallets, and chisels. Through these methods, you can give your graphic and calligraphic designs a true sculptural form. Applications of computer science are also used in the design and execution of custom graphics and typefaces required for modern production. We continue to work with clients who have been with us for generations, as well as new clients who propose interesting and innovative uses for our age-old crafts. ”

https://www.John Stevens stevens shop/

CARTOGRAFICA VISCEGLIA – Italy since 1924 – 4th generation cartographer

“Cartografica Visceria was founded in Rome by Vincenzo Visceria, who turned his passion into a family business. “A deep love for geophysics and, by extension, geographic maps” was what he wrote in 1942 as his motivation for founding the company. is.

We are a family run business driven by a passion for geographic maps. Initially a traditional company, it transitioned to computer mapping in the 1990s. Today, he creates maps and furniture components for a variety of clients, including the film industry.

In recognition of his contribution, in 1989 a street in Rome was dedicated to the founder, and in 2016 the City of Rome recognized the Cartographica Visalia as a “contribution of historical excellence.” In 2015, the Italian Ministry of Culture declared the Visceria Archives to be of “particular historical interest”. bisceglia/

Bianco Bianchi – 1953 Italy – Third Master of Scagliola

“The company was founded by civil servant and artist Bianco Bianchi, who discovered the secrets of scagliola (the art of making inlays by specially mixing colored pigments), an artistic technique that has been lost over time. He dedicated 10 years of his free time to researching natural adhesives and selenite powder).

Bianco quit his job and devoted himself to creating new work and collecting and restoring period objects (Bianco Bianchi’s collection is the most important in existence).

His children, who inherited his passion, continue to create masterpieces using the same antique techniques with the help of several skilled craftsmen. They work with decorators and architects to create home decor and a wide range of scagliola to insert into antique and modern interior designs.

Unique pieces such as tables, panels and gift items complete the most beautiful homes in the world. bianchi/

More information about the PFV Award and Primum Familiale Vini:


Primum Familiae Vini is an invitation-only organization of 12 of the world’s oldest and most admired wine producers. Their mission is to represent the highest level of excellence in the world of wine. To be synonymous with both the highest quality and sustainability. Combining family tradition and innovation. and to be ambitious through their vision and passion.

12 members of PFV

Marchesi Antinori (Tuscany, Italy), Baron Philippe de Rothschild (Bordeaux, France), Maison Joseph Drouhin (Burgundy, France), Domaine Clarence Dillon (Bordeaux, France), Egon Muller Scharzhof (Moselle, Germany), Famille Hugel (Alsace) , France), Pol Roger (Champagne, France), Famille Perrin (Rhone Valley, France), Symington Family Estate (Portugal), Tenuta San Guido (Tuscany, Italy), Familia Torres (Catalonia, Spain) ), Tempos Vega Sicilia (Ribera del) Duero, Spain).


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