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Italy’s G7 Presidency Could Be a Breakthrough for the ‘West’ and the ‘Other’

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new atlanticist

January 31, 2024

Italy’s G7 Presidency Could Be a Breakthrough for the ‘West’ and the ‘Other’

Paolo Messa and Karim Mezran

As Italy holds the Presidency of the Group of Seven (G7), it has the opportunity to use its unique historical and cultural perspectives to serve as a bridge between the West and the rest of the world. In fact, a more comprehensive and collaborative approach between these two blocs has become essential, and so must be done.

The dichotomy between the West and the rest has surfaced in recent years, marked by a resurgence of war in Europe and great power competition, most clearly embodied in the conflict between China and the United States. The developed countries of the so-called geopolitical West are rallying behind Ukraine and striving to solidify the front against the authoritarian state, re-aligning their relations with the times while asserting the value of rules-based international governance. is building. In parallel, many non-aligned countries refrain from taking sides and resist the binary definitions by which the West tends to view the world.

There are a variety of reasons why the rest of the world does not see themselves reflected in the Western approach, ranging from purely commercial to ideological and historical motivations. A common criticism is that Western worldviews often appear to align conveniently with Western interests, and that Western countries adopt double standards when it comes to adhering to the very rules they impose on emerging countries. be. The conflict between the West and Rest itself is historically rooted, and the strengthening of non-Western international forums appears to be reinforcing it. This includes the recent expansion of the group of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa known as BRICS.

This divide between the West and the rest has time and again hindered collective efforts to address pressing global challenges. Beyond great power tensions, economic disparities and structural mismatches create a world in which cooperation is increasingly complicated. As a result, common issues, from climate change and the public health crisis to economic inequality, tend to take a backseat to national interests and country-specific priorities.

Furthermore, global governance has become a contentious issue, with competing visions attempting to define it. Liberal international institutionalist views in favor of global governance have been in trouble lately, to say the least. A concept that until recently was an uncontroversial doctrine appears to be under attack, if not relegated to the back seat of international politics. These include the important role of the United Nations and the international community’s attempts to modernize it, the empowerment of regional organizations such as the European Union and the African Union, the strengthening of international law and human rights protection, and the promotion of free trade and trade. It is included. movement of capital and people.

A more crude and realistic approach is emerging. Conflict geopolitical blocs organized around nuclear superpowers and their hard power are on the rise, at least in the short and medium term. Western countries must be ready to move quickly to adapt and succeed in this changing international environment. This rapidly evolving situation may force Western peoples to once again unite around a strong definition of their own values, visions and ideals, which they hope to adopt. and must be strictly followed thereafter. Western countries could look to institutions such as the G7 to organize action to better meet the challenges posed by competition between the blocs.

The road ahead passes through Rome

Italy, from its privileged position at the heart of the Mediterranean, has recognized these asymmetries and considered ways to chart a different trajectory.

Rome is already working to revamp traditional power structures and foster a new ethos that envisions the West as a partner in a common global endeavour, rather than in conflict with the rest of the world. Italian diplomats have pushed for the redistribution and expansion of seats on the UN Security Council, for example, to strengthen regional representation through a more equitable geographical distribution.

These efforts have been made through the strengthening of the diplomatic network that Italy has cultivated in recent years. A prime example of this is the new strategic partnership with India and the successful private consultation that Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni has forged with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, which will bring the 20 main African Union countries and regions together. (G20) membership was promoted. Beyond New Delhi, Rome is expanding bilateral ties across the Indo-Pacific region, where rapidly emerging countries are vying for a voice at the world table.

In parallel, Mr. Meloni is spearheading a major effort to redefine relations between Italy and African countries, creating new cooperation models based on non-predatory, investment-based and cross-industry partnerships ( We hope that other European countries will follow suit. Not only in energy, infrastructure and telecommunications, but also in academia and politics. The approach, known as the Mattei Plan, was unveiled as a centerpiece of the Italy-Africa conference in Rome this week.

The cultural proximity and cross-border cooperation between Rome and Brasilia constitute a rich opportunity to establish a deeper dialogue between the West and the BRICS countries, thereby extending an olive branch to the emerging powers as well. It would extend their support, acknowledge their grievances, and curb the “anti-national” movement of the latter group. “West” front.

In this kind of framework, a diversity of perspectives can lead to more innovative approaches and nuanced solutions to complex problems such as climate change and economic inequality. It can also expand opportunities for joint initiatives that can drive sustainable economic growth, while ensuring that the benefits of growth are shared more equitably globally.

How can Italy set the agenda for cooperation?

From a practical point of view, what should Western countries and the rest of the world do together? This is a useful area for cooperation. For example, green energy and green technology are a means to combat climate change and also serve as a means to strengthen the resilience of supply chains. Italy is likely to advocate for increased green energy and green technology investment in the Global South during its G7 Presidency. These countries would then be able to exploit natural resources, from fossil fuels and raw materials to solar and wind power, to develop their industries. Delivering superior capabilities while diversifying the global North’s energy supply.

On the digital front, the path to cooperation is technological “plumbing” from reliable communications infrastructure to privacy and business-friendly international data transfer frameworks, not to mention chips and artificial intelligence tools. The latter two in particular are among the most powerful drivers of growth, but without an environment conducive to investment, growth still cannot be achieved. This was one of the main lessons from the first African Climate Summit held in Nairobi. When consulting through international forums, national institutions should strive to create the conditions and provide guarantees to enable fund transfer providers to unlock their growth potential.

Recognizing and respecting cultural, structural and political differences is paramount to maintaining this level of cooperation. Maintaining a high degree of transparency is also important to building trust and avoiding accusations of double standards. Backed by its G7 Presidency, Rome holds the right cards to foster an open environment that fosters meaningful exchange, tackles inequality and fosters inclusive economic growth globally.

Paolo Messa is a non-resident senior fellow at the Atlantic Council’s Transatlantic Security Initiative at the Scowcroft Center for Strategic Security.

Karim Mezran is a Senior Resident Fellow and Director of the North Africa Program at the Atlantic Council.


Image: Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni attends the “Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment” event during the G7 Summit held at the Grand Prince Hotel in Hiroshima, Japan, on May 20, 2023.Reuters/Jonathan Ernst

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