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Italy’s Meloni risks disrupting his own policy by backing moves to weaken central government

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Say no, Giorgia. Prime Minister Meloni has agreed in the Italian Senate to a bill that could disrupt the prime minister’s agenda for 2024 and destroy national unity. The House of Commons is expected to vote on it before the June 9 European Parliament elections.

The bill would allow 15 of Italy’s 20 regions to request a broader decentralization of powers currently controlled by the central government. The bill is the work of Italy’s Minister of Regional Affairs and Home Affairs. Mr. Rega Roberto Calderoli.

Regions that do so will be able to make greater decisions about health care, education, energy, and transportation. do not have Expenditure level set by the central government. But it would unfairly reward wealthy northern regions, which already receive more tax revenue, and exacerbate the socio-economic disparities between the north and the north. Mezzogiorno and central Italy.

According to Michele Emiliano, president of the southern region of Puglia, such decentralization would put Italy into a “Babel-like situation, where Italian citizens moving around the country would be subject to different laws set by regions rather than by the nation.” There is a possibility of encountering the system.” ”

The bill is the brainchild of Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini, who sees it as a way to revive his government. Mr. Rega Decline in election luck. But this bill was introduced at exactly the wrong time.

This year, Italy will hold the chairmanship of the Group of Seven developed countries. And Signora Meloni has set out her most ambitious policies on Ukraine, Africa, immigration and artificial intelligence. Participating in Mr. Salvini’s Metternichian plan is against the national interest.

The rift between Italy’s Masons and Dixons stems from centuries of foreign domination. Indeed, the legacy of this occupation continues to harm what would otherwise constitute one of the world’s wealthiest economies.

in front Risorgimento, Bourbon era in Spain Mezzogiorno It created a culture of administrative mismanagement, economic exploitation, and endemic corruption, not to mention an oppressive superstitious religion.

As Jerry Brotton summarizes David Gilmore’s views in his book Tracing Italy, this regional division has led some to argue that “the state of Italy did not exist before the 19th century.” There is. John Hooper makes a similar argument in his book The Italians. However, both authors are factually incorrect.

The Kingdom of Italy, founded in 1861, constituted a revival of the united Italy first formed by the Romans on March 1, 222 years before the Common Era, and at this time marked the beginning of “Placentia and Cremona, and from the Alps to Sicily”. Protector colonies were established in Italy, including Italy. ”

Additionally, a group of prominent historians, including Theodor Mommsen, Donald R. Dudley, and Michael Grant, reaffirmed the ancient existence of a unified Italy. Indeed, Grant praised Caesar Augustus’s “pro-Italian, pro-Roman” worldview.

Centuries later, Niccolo Machiavelli became the “misunderstood pioneer of the Italians.” Risorgimento” Michael Ignatieff observed in the Atlantic, pointing to the works of Maurizio Virolli and Corrado Vivanti.

The article explains that the philosopher whose name became synonymous with cynicism actually called for “the salvation of Italian republicanism four centuries before the final unification of the Italian states.”

Journalist and author Simon Worrall writes of the underlying unity that has bound Italy’s people together over the centuries, “conscious of a long and sometimes glorious past.” That civilization will last forever and that there was a glorious and very courageous struggle for independence in the 19th century. ”

Signora Meloni has congratulated Salvini on his reform bill, which comes as Signora Meloni has chosen the southern Italian region of Puglia to host the annual G7 summit in July. It tells a story. In addition, the G7 trade conference will also be held. Mezzogiorno — in Villa San Giovanni in Calabria (Reggio Calabria).

Ahead of the meeting of world powers, Signora Meloni should remind Messrs. Salvini and Calderoli that Italy owes its very name to the south. In fact, the region now known as Calabria Italy In ancient times.

In 2023, Georg Gottlob, one of the world’s leading experts in artificial intelligence and information technology, will leave his professorship at Oxford University to study at the University of Calabria, which he considers an ideal academic center to pursue AI research. I moved to The move reverses southern Italy’s reputation as a technologically and economically backward country and highlights the country’s potential for reinvention.

How rega phone Autonomy Differentiata, or “differentiated self-government,” is nothing more than an Articles of Confederation-like plan that could create a constitutional crisis. Decentralization can lead to dissolution. Indeed, Spain’s long-standing woes in Catalonia and Britain’s dilemma in Scotland, both of which threaten the unity of two long-standing political alliances, should serve as a lesson.

It’s time for Mr. Salvini and Mr. Calderoli to wake up and smell the cappuccino.

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