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Why, more than 30 years later, China’s foreign minister still starts the year with a visit to Africa

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Observers see the preservation of decades-old traditions as a diplomatic tool and China’s way of showing that Africa remains at the top of its diplomatic agenda, a trend that is likely to continue. .


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However, China’s involvement in the region has not always been the same. Rather, analysts said there has been a shift from trade-focused policies to ones focused on Beijing’s efforts to expand its influence around the world.

Lina Benabdallah, a political and international studies professor at Wake Forest University, said one of the most appealing aspects is “just the continuity of tradition and track record.”

“This established a narrative that China-Africa relations are stable and will continue to be prioritized.”

And from Wang’s recent regional moves, China’s consistency appears to be paying off.

Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry and Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi hold a press conference in Cairo, Egypt, January 14, 2024.Photo: Reuters

Egypt’s Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry said it was a “great pleasure” for his country to be the first leg of the Chinese envoy’s tour of Africa, and said the move demonstrated the “solid and deep friendship” between the two countries. .

In Togo, Foreign Minister Robert Dassey said Mr Wang’s visit had “special significance” and that the West African country “highly values” Beijing’s tradition of sending its foreign minister to visit Africa at the beginning of each year. said.

In a separate meeting with Wang, Togolese President Faure Gnassingbé said, “African people need a China that is sensitive to African realities, listens to African demands, and never imposes its will on others.” We need friends like that.”

Africa “has been and remains a top priority for China,” said Alessandro Arduino, an affiliated lecturer at King’s College London’s Lau China Institute.

But he noted that in the past, China’s interactions with the mainland were “more ideologically focused.” Now, that approach was a “strategic combination of geoeconomic pragmatism and Beijing’s ambition to lead the narrative of the Global South.”

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China, which classifies itself as a developing power, has sought in recent years to position itself as a champion and leader of developing countries and the so-called Global South.

“Over the past decade, China has worked strategically to position itself not only as an economic power, but also to play a regional security role. “It’s also evident in training, peacekeeping operations and security enhancements in ‘equipment transfers,'” Arduino said.

China is paying for large-scale projects in Africa, and most regional countries are participating in Beijing’s infrastructure flagship projects. One Belt One Road Initiative.

On the security front, China is increasing its involvement in peacekeeping, counterterrorism, antipiracy efforts, and other countermeasures, given its large-scale investments in the region.

On January 8, 1999, Chinese Foreign Minister Tang Jiaxuan was received by Ugandan Foreign Minister Elijah Kategaya at Entebbe International Airport. Tang then visited Egypt, Kenya, Tanzania, and Zambia.Photo: Associated Press
Efforts have also been made to expand military bases. In 2017, China Djibouti’s first foreign naval base Since then, it has conducted training and exercises with various African countries.

Mandira Bhagwandeen, a political science lecturer at Stellenbosch University in South Africa, said that since Qian started the annual tradition in 1991, China’s relationship with the mainland has evolved into a “multifaceted and dynamic relationship”. He said he did.

He noted that the relationship was initially built on securing and maintaining political alliances after the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre and subsequent crackdown caused China to be shunned by much of the international community. did.

Africa, which is rich in natural resources such as oil and critical minerals, became a major resource supplier to China’s rapidly growing economy in the early 2000s after China launched a go-out policy to encourage overseas investment. Ta.

“Political ties are still important, especially given the current geopolitical situation. But economic ties have become stronger and stronger over the years,” Bhagwandeen said. “Africa is no longer just a resource supplier for China; it is a strategically important region.”


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Mr. Bhagwandeen said that while resource interests remain a pillar of China’s engagement in the region, China’s interest in playing a role in Africa’s industrialization has added a new strategic and economic angle to the relationship.

He said that the status of the relationship with Africa as a “comprehensive strategic partnership” in 2015 signaled Beijing’s desire to deepen ties with the region on all fronts, from politics to economics to security. He said that

Wake Forest University’s Benabdallah similarly pointed out that when China began its tradition of persuading Africa in 1991, it needed “diplomatic support” on the international stage. At the time, China also needed a market for its own products and raw materials to increase its production capacity.

While China’s needs may have changed slightly, it is unlikely to leave Africa, especially given the escalating geopolitical conflict with the United States and Europe over influence in Africa. said Benabdallah.

“I don’t think this tradition will go away anytime soon because the Chinese side also recognizes that this tradition is highly valued by the African side,” she said.

“Therefore, these visits become important assets in the diplomatic toolbox of China’s foreign policy decisions in Africa.”

Mr. Bhagwandeen said China’s diplomatic tradition of keeping Africa as the first stop on envoys’ visits is particularly important to African officials and China’s views in the broader Global South.

“The Chinese foreign minister’s first visit to Africa this year demonstrates China’s continued efforts to deepen diplomatic engagement and cooperation with the region.”

“This tradition demonstrates to African audiences and the international community that China considers Africa an important region in its foreign policy calculations.”

He said most trips made by Chinese foreign ministers in the past have covered all parts of Africa and appear to be geographically balanced. However, there seems to be more emphasis on West Africa in recent years, as evidenced by Wang’s visits to Togo and Ivory Coast last month.

China’s prioritization of West Africa may be related to the development of its Belt and Road Initiative, in which Beijing is working on port projects in the region.

Bhagwandeen suggested that this also indicates the growing importance of West Africa to China’s geopolitical and economic calculations.

“Given the strained relations with France in the region, this is an opportunity for China to strengthen ties, increase its influence, and expand its development and security approach,” she said, adding that the West African nation’s He cited growing dissatisfaction with French influence among the population. region.

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Bhagwandeen said Africa’s geopolitical and strategic importance will only increase, especially as China faces increasing competition from the West and other powers seeking to strengthen ties with the region. Stated.

He suggested that China also recognizes Africa’s influence in international organizations such as the United Nations and needs to ensure that it has the support of African people when necessary.

“So [China] We want to maintain and strengthen our ties with the region and show that we really value our relationship with Africa,” Bhagwandeen said.

“By prioritizing this region as our first visit this year, we can demonstrate to Africans that China attaches great importance to its relations with this region.”

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