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Italy’s Salvini refuses to stand in EU elections – Euractiv

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Far-right Lega leader and Transport Minister Matteo Salvini has already ruled out running in the next EU elections, but the other two leaders of the ruling coalition, Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni and Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani, are still on the fence. The situation continues to be unacceptable.

Italian government leaders will soon have to decide whether to run in the EU general elections, but Lega has already refused to run.

“I will not run in the European elections. I will remain a minister,” Salvini said, nipping at the bud of doubts within the ruling centre-right coalition.

Mr Tajani, the leader of the ruling coalition’s other minority alliance, has already said he does not think the leader should stand for election.

Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni (Fratelli d’Italia/ECR) appears to be leaning toward running herself to secure a big victory.

The risk for minority allies is that Meloni’s party could siphon them off and upset the balance of the coalition.

Mr. Meloni’s Fratelli d’Italia has already received more than three times as many votes as Mr. Salvini and Mr. Tajani in the 2022 general election, but the cards could change if there is even more consensus.

The party most at risk is Forza Italia, which has lost its appeal, especially with the death of its founder and leader, former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, and whose secretary, Mr. Tajani, has made considerable efforts to avoid vote swings. You will have to make an effort. Allied favor.

“That question is premature (…) The choice must be made jointly. If you decide to lead the list, we must act together to give more power to the centre-right. “There is a risk that we will become less involved in the national government, so we need to reflect on this carefully,” Tajani said.

Desperate for a deal, Salvini, whose book The World Reversed has sold out on Amazon, has recently been at the center of a media storm after receiving much criticism for comments deemed racist. He wants to nominate General Roberto Vanacci. And he’s a homophobe.

“Thank you for your thoughts and trust. I will evaluate it calmly,” Vanacci commented, but he may just give in for a safe seat.

The same problem is facing the opposition, with S&D Secretary Ellie Schlein wanting to run in every district, but with some within the party calling for more space for local politicians. facing resistance.

“Mr. Meloni has made it clear that she wants to stand in the European elections. She wants to do it not to change Europe, but to test herself and her party nationally,” said the leader of Italia Viva. argued former Prime Minister Matteo Renzi (Renew), who is currently running for a seat in Brussels.

“The prime minister’s choice will have many consequences. Salvini has already resigned. Compared to his success in the 2019 elections, this year’s poll battle will be a disaster for him,” Renzi said. Because I understand,” he said.

(Federica Pascal |

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