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A Labrador retriever is bitten repeatedly and has its ear torn open in an attack by four Rottweilers that escaped from a Sennett Street home.

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(Photo: Facebook/Melanie Song)

(Photo: Facebook/Melanie Song)

SINGAPORE – On Tuesday, January 9, four Rottweilers broke through the defective gate of a house on Sennett Road and assaulted a Labrador retriever named Hobbit during an evening walk. The hobbit was bitten multiple times, severely injuring his neck, shoulders and buttocks, and also splitting his ear.

In an interview with Yahoo Southeast Asia On Friday (January 12), the hobbit’s owner, Melanie Song, said that while her domestic helper Suri was taking the hobbit for her usual evening walk around 9:20pm on Tuesday, the hobbit’s other owner, Melanie Song, He said he was at home with his dog Chewie (of the Sapsari breed).

Recalling the tragic incident, she revealed: “I ran out of the house and thankfully I had the sanity to close the door so Chewie wouldn’t come out after me.

“I remember the pickpocket yelling, ‘It’s a Hobbit.’ At first I thought I’d go get some weapon, but I couldn’t find anything. So the next thing I grabbed was a Hobbit. I was trying to get rid of the dogs in the garbage can. ”

Owner’s efforts to save Labrador retriever from attack

Son said the hobbit was dragged out of the grass and into the middle of the road by a Rottweiler. She tried to pull the Rottweiler away with her hands while covering the dog, but the dog wouldn’t let go.

“I was so angry I was screaming. What really hit me was that I saw them clinging to the hobbit and I thought, ‘Oh my God, I’m going to lose her.’ ‘And I’m not ready for that,’ she said. Yahoo Southeast Asia.

Ms. Song managed to pull the hobbit to her feet, and a neighbor guided her and the hobbit to safety, holding the gate open and pushing the hobbit inside. “The dogs were still coming at us, so a neighbor tried to chase them away.”

She added that the Rottweiler’s owner spoke with her to resolve the issue privately, but she insisted the owner leave. The hobbit was taken to Gaia Veterinary Center where her condition was stabilized and a drainage tube was inserted. The vet bill was over $3,000.

“I was thinking, ‘You’re a dog owner yourself, so instead of trying to negotiate a personal settlement with me, why don’t you offer to send my dog ​​to the vet first?'” she said of the behavior of the Rottweiler owners. . “For me, dogs are family, so it’s worth the money to keep them healthy.”

According to a report in The Straits Times, Rottweiler owner Marissa Leow said the rain had corroded the magnetic lock on the front gate of her home, and that her dogs had blocked the gate while she was unloading groceries at the supermarket. He said he broke in and broke into the building.

“We wanted to talk to the Labrador’s owner, but she was too upset to talk to us. Police told us to probably wait a while before bringing this up to her. I advised her,” she told ST.

Treatment and ongoing research

Ms Song also detailed the aftermath of the incident in a Facebook post on Wednesday (January 10), saying she had cuts on her heel and ankle and her toes were swollen. The next day, she was treated at Tan Tock Seng Hospital, where she received a tetanus vaccine, antibiotics, and painkillers for her injuries.

“The doctor had to check if the dog was vaccinated to make sure there was no risk of rabies. I had to check with the Rottweiler owner through a police officer. “The owner said the dog was properly vaccinated and asked for another private vaccination,” she added.

Ms Song reported the incident to both the police and the National Park Service’s Animal and Veterinary Service (AVS). Jessica Kwok, group director of AVS, said: Yahoo Southeast Asia They said they take public feedback regarding animal health and welfare seriously and the investigation is ongoing.

Under the Animals and Birds Act, erring dog owners can be fined up to $1,000.

Ms Sohn said she, her assistant and the hobbit are trying to stay strong despite the traumatic event. She added: “We have canceled all our travel to make sure we don’t move so we can support each other.”

In an update on her condition, Song said: Yahoo Southeast Asia On Friday, doctors announced that she had diagnosed a fracture in her toe. Expected recovery time for swelling to subside is 6 weeks.

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