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Friday, September 20, 2024



Researchers must be smart about China’s data exploitation, US official says

Lawmakers on Thursday pressed Biden administration officials for steps to ensure cutting-edge research done in the United States is not used to benefit...

‘Black Swan’ shock risk to bond yields threatens China in 2024

Of all the fears Asian investors had about 2024, Federal Reserve officials keeping their foot on the financial brakes weren't among them. This week's...

Reigning trade tensions with China could threaten the US’s ‘Goldilocks economy’

With the U.S. economy doing surprisingly well and the stock market hitting record highs, many investors are calling what's happening the "Goldilocks economy."...

Internet stocks boom on Friday night in Hong Kong, a look back at this week

CLNcrane shares 1 week review Asian stocks mostly rose this week as some markets returned online from the Lunar New Year, but mainland China...

Propaganda accounts discovered by Meta are still thriving on X

Propaganda accounts controlled by foreign groups aimed at influencing U.S. politics remain rampant on X even after they have been busted by other...

Science fiction writers excluded from awards for fear of offending China

HONG KONG — Organizers of the Hugo Awards, one of science fiction's most prestigious literary awards, shortlisted several authors last year, citing concerns...

At the beginning of the Lunar Year of the Dragon, China seeks to assert its own interpretation of cultural symbols

BEIJING — At the start of the lunar year of the Dragon, China is asserting its own interpretation of a cultural symbol dating...

China aims to bridge research and market gap in high-tech push with patent rule changes

In China, the academic achievements of researchers tend to be evaluated primarily by their published outputs, affecting their willingness to explore commercialization of...

At the beginning of the Lunar Year of the Dragon, China seeks to assert its own interpretation of cultural symbols

At the start of the Lunar Year of the Dragon, China seeks to assert its interpretation of centuries-old cultural symbols from Eastern and...

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