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Thursday, September 5, 2024



Naked Markets Backtesting Software Review

Backtesting is one of the biggest keys to success in trading. If you don't backtest your trading strategy, you won't know if it works...

Why MT4 Strategy Tester Shows Zero Trades (and how to fix it)

It can be frustrating to run a backtest in MetaTrader 4 Strategy Tester and have it stop immediately with no trades. This has...

How to Use the RSI Divergence Indicator in TradingView

RSI Divergence can be a great way to spot potential trading opportunties. But it can also be easy to miss these opportunties because...

The Number of Backtesting Trades You Need to Prove a Strategy

There's a lot of argument about the minimum number of backtesting trades that you need to prove that a trading strategy really works....

How to Pass a Funded Trader Challenge on the First Try

Funded trader programs are a fantastic way to leverage your trading skills by getting more money to trade. But many traders pay the...

Download Historical Data in NakedMarkets

One of the best things about NakedMarkets backtesting software is that updated historical backtesting data is included in the purchase price. So you...

How to Download MetaTrader 5 Historical Data

Having as much historical data as possible in MT5 is going to be extremely important for daily market analysis and backtesting. If you...

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