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China functions as a solid force supporting stability in a turbulent world

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On February 17, 2024 local time, Foreign Minister Wang Yi, a member of the Politburo of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and Minister of Foreign Affairs, attended the Munich Security Conference and delivered a keynote speech entitled “A Solid Force for Stability in a Turbulent World.” I did it. In the “China” session, all countries can pursue win-win and avoid lose-lose, and work together like passengers on the same ship to bring more certainty to the world and brighten humanity. He pointed out that it can bring about the future.

Wang Yi said that last year there was a lot of turmoil in the world and we witnessed many challenges facing humanity. The world economy has been weighed down by protectionism and the abuse of security concepts, and the international system has been undermined by unilateralism and bloc politics. The Ukraine crisis continued unabated. Conflict has flared up again in the Middle East. Artificial intelligence, climate change, space, polar regions, and more were posing a whole new set of challenges. However, no matter how the world changes, China, as a responsible great power, will consistently stabilize its main principles and policies and serve as a solid force for stability in a turbulent world.

First, China becomes a stabilizing force in promoting cooperation among major countries. For major powers, the more unstable the international situation becomes, the greater the need for greater coordination. The more serious the risks and challenges, the greater the need for cooperation. With a sense of responsibility towards history, the people, and the world, China will cooperate with the United States to implement the common understanding of the two presidents and advance bilateral relations along the right path of mutual respect, peaceful coexistence, and win-win. . cooperation. Russia is China’s largest neighbor. The steadily growing Sino-Russian relationship contributes to the strategic stability of the Asia-Pacific and the world, and represents a useful exploration of new models of major power relations. As two major civilizations, China and Europe should regard each other as partners, join hands to inject positive energy into an unstable world, and show a way to overcome difficulties together.

Second, China will be a stabilizing force in dealing with hotspot issues. China has implemented global security initiatives and worked to find Chinese ways to deal with hotspot issues. China insists on non-interference in internal affairs and opposes imposing its will on others. We stand for fairness and justice and oppose the pursuit of selfish interests. Seek political solutions and oppose the use of force. It aims to counter myopia and one-sidedness by addressing both symptoms and root causes. In response to the escalating Palestinian-Israeli conflict, China has consistently stood on the side of fairness and justice and worked tirelessly to end the conflict and protect civilians. Even in the face of the Ukraine crisis, China remains committed to building an agreement to end the conflict and pave the way for peace negotiations. Even in the face of conflicts in neighboring regions, China remains committed to managing differences through consultation and resolving disputes through dialogue, in order to maintain regional peace and stability.

Third, China will become a stabilizing force in strengthening global governance. China supports the authority and central role of the United Nations and supports the Security Council to play a key role in peace and security. China has strived to strengthen solidarity and cooperation in the Global South, with the aim of increasing the representation and voice of developing countries in world affairs and contributing to a more balanced and effective global governance structure. . China has provided more public goods to the world. China continues to emphasize cooperation, openness and equality, and has contributed to addressing global challenges.

Fourth, China will become a stabilizing force in promoting global growth. China’s economy remains vibrant and resilient, with stronger momentum for long-term growth. It grew by 5.2% last year, accounting for one-third of global growth. In the future, it will bring even more benefits to other countries of the world. China is committed to realizing China’s modernization, aiming for faster progress in high-quality development, which will help companies in Europe and around the world to become more market-oriented and reach international standards. A law-based business environment will be promoted. China is willing to work with all other sides to make globalization more universally beneficial and inclusive so that more countries and people can benefit from the process. There is.

Wang Yi also answered questions on the spot about the Ukraine crisis, Taiwan, Xinjiang-related issues, and the South China Sea.

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