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Saturday, September 21, 2024

Kosovo announces Spain recognizes its passport

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Spain has agreed to recognize passports from Kosovo, but Spain’s Deputy Prime Minister Besnik Bislimi said it was one of the five EU countries to not recognize or recognize Balkan countries until now. announced on Saturday.

“Good news continues for our people and our country,” Bislimi said in a Facebook post.

“Visa-free movement started on January 1st, but liberalization has added Spain to the list of Schengen countries you can travel to. Previously, the main hurdle was not having your passport approved,” Bislimi said. ” he said. EU Dialogue Team in Kosovo.

“Kosovo nationals can now travel to Spain…The Kingdom of Spain recognizes the ordinary passport of the Republic of Kosovo from January 1, 2024,” Foreign Minister Donica Gerbara Schwartz wrote on X, formerly on Twitter. Posted.

However, Gerbala-Schwartz pointed out that “this change in no way constitutes official recognition of Kosovo as an independent state by Madrid.”

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Spain’s fellow EU members Slovakia, Cyprus, Romania and Greece also do not recognize Kosovo, which has a population of 1.8 million. Kosovo declared independence from Serbia in 2008, and is recognized by the other 22 member states of the European Union.

MADRID (Reuters) – Madrid has taken action on passports after the long-awaited EU visa liberalization plan, which will allow Kosovo nationals to travel visa-free to Europe’s border-free zones, came into force on Monday.

The new system will allow Kosovars to enter the Schengen area without a visa for up to 90 days out of a 180-day period.

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In Pristina, the reforms are seen as another step towards full recognition and a boost to the country’s ambitions to join the European Union.

Kosovo was the last of the six countries in the Western Balkans to receive a visa exemption.

Previously, Kosovar citizens were only allowed to visit a total of 14 countries around the world without a visa.

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To date, more than 100 states, including the United States, have recognized Kosovo’s statehood. However, Serbia’s allies Russia and China have not done so.

Hmm, Baals/CW/PVH

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