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Spain and Morocco tackle migration and terrorism « Euro Weekly News

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Recent talks between Spain and its “important strategic partner” Morocco were aimed at strengthening ties on migration policy and fighting terrorism.

Spain’s Interior Minister Fernando Grande-Marlaska recently underlined Morocco’s important role as a strategic partner during his first foreign trip since taking office.

Prime Minister Grande-Marlaska met with Moroccan Interior Minister Abdel-Afi Laftit in Rabat on Friday, January 19th. This important meeting, the 13th since 2018, underscores the strong ties and shared commitment to strengthening bilateral cooperation.

Collaborative efforts to combat migration and human trafficking

Ministers focused on joint efforts in managing migration, combating human trafficking and strengthening civil protection. Grande Malasca expressed gratitude for Morocco’s dedication to confronting the brutal reality of illegal migration and human trafficking, describing it as a “particularly cruel and inhumane scourge.”

Their discussions reaffirmed the Spanish-Moroccan preventive cooperation model. Mr. Grande Malasca emphasized that this is an important example of practical cooperation between Europe and Africa, especially in the face of increasing migration pressures.

He confirmed that irregular arrivals in Ceuta and Melilla have decreased by 41 percent, demonstrating the effectiveness of the combined efforts.

Advances in border technology and security

In addition to immigration issues, technological advances in border crossings were also discussed. Mr. Grande Marlasca referred to the introduction of automatic entry and exit systems in Ceuta and Melilla, aimed at streamlining border procedures while ensuring robust controls.

United front against terrorism and organized crime

Ministers’ discussions also extended to the fight against terrorism and organized crime. Mr. Grande Marasca noted the success of the joint counterterrorism operations in 2023 and stressed the importance of international cooperation in these areas.

He cited 14 operations that led to more than 80 arrests, including a large-scale operation against jihadist recruitment networks in Nador and Melilla on December 19.

Civil protection and future cooperation

The dialogue also addressed civil protection and emphasized Spain’s continued support for Morocco. Grande Malasca recalled Spain’s support during the Moroccan earthquake in September.

He praised the bilateral cooperation exemplified by the successful cross-Channel operation, which saw record numbers of passenger and vehicle transport during its implementation in 2023.

The enduring partnership between Spain and Morocco, especially in internal affairs, is a model of successful bilateral cooperation and sets a precedent for future cooperation.

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