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The American bought an apartment in Spain and started a new life for himself. “I haven’t looked back.”

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A move to Spain’s sunny Mediterranean city isn’t necessarily just for a more relaxed lifestyle, but a siesta is definitely a plus. Taking a leap of faith can lead you to a dream pursuit in a place you love.

Just ask Matthew Coe.

The 60-year-old real estate and general counsel from Wenatchee, Wash., is making a fresh start after the global economic crisis took a toll on his job in the hotel sector, forcing him to rethink his plans for the future. He quit his job at a major hotel brand in Hong Kong and moved to Europe.

Of all the cities Ko visited and lived in during his career, including Hong Kong, Singapore, Seattle and Chicago, he chose laid-back Barcelona, ​​Spain. Looking back, he says he has no regrets.

“Traveling to Mediterranean countries has always been a favorite destination of mine. Turkey, Spain, Italy, Greece, etc., I never get tired of.When the aftermath of the Great Recession brought about changes in the workplace at my company, I decided it was time to turn the page on my life and pursue new interests, like actually learning a foreign language,” Ko told CNN.

This move helped me gain more than just my Spanish skills.

Jordi Folci

Matthew Coe bought an apartment in Barcelona in 2021. He started a company to help others buy property in the city.

“In my mind, what started as a vacation or sabbatical has turned into a new chapter in my life in Europe and entrepreneurial pursuits related to real estate investing and design.”

Coe “tested” the rhythm and scale of Valencia and Madrid, living in rented apartments in both cities for a while before settling on a long-term lease in Barcelona..

He worked as a consultant for the same hotel group for several years while studying Spanish, and eventually began buying and renovating apartments. Ko returned to Hong Kong for several years, but the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic in early 2020 prompted him to put down more permanent roots in Barcelona. “It’s a much more comfortable place to ride out the pandemic compared to being under strict lockdown in Hong Kong.” The cost of living will be significantly lower.

“I haven’t looked back. I now know that Catalonia is home,” said Coe.

Returning to Barcelona in July 2020, in the middle of the pandemic It was a natural choice for him and the right combination of culture, food, climate and lifestyle.

In 2021, he made this move more permanent by purchasing a 90 square meter (approximately 970 square feet) apartment in a mid-1920s modernist building in Barcelona’s lively Sant Antoni district. He paid 400,000 euros (about $435,000) and renovated it for 125,000 euros (about $135,000).

He completely renovated the place, removing internal walls and combining rooms to create a large bedroom with an open-plan bath area and dressing room. The one-bedroom, 1.5-bath apartment he has two balconies and a small back terrace.

Original tiles for the apartment alfonbras (lag) is the key point.

“When I first walked into the apartment, I fell in love with the floor,” Ko said. “As part of the renovation, we cleaned and polished the tiles to restore them to their original shine. When renovating a property, we always strive to maintain original elements.”

Matthew Coe

Coe bought an apartment in the lively Sant Antoni district and completely renovated it.

Mr. Ko, who has lived overseas since 2006, He doesn’t miss the United States, which he visits several times a year.

“I miss the mountains and lakes of the Pacific Northwest, and of course my family. Other than that, I don’t really miss anything and everything I need can be found in Barcelona. I have adapted. I cannot imagine returning to the United States at this time.”

Barcelona really attracts Coe with its lively mix of expats and locals, small and friendly atmosphere, and is a city that is “lively and open to discovery almost day and night”.

He says there is no other city along the Mediterranean that is as cosmopolitan as Barcelona, ​​and that his area is a mix of market stalls and shops, where residents and local shopkeepers are making new friends.

“Before I leave the building and get to the first corner, I’ve already said hi to about half a dozen people. It’s a real community and I feel like I’m part of that community,” Coe said. said.

“Certainly this happens in the United States, but not with the same level of involvement. Perhaps it would be replicated to some extent if American cities were more dense and had fewer cars. Day-to-day life here is , leading to a quality of life unmatched anywhere else I’ve lived.”

Jordi Folci

The renovation work involved removing some walls and creating a large bedroom with an open plan dressing area and bathroom.

Barcelona’s slow lifestyle and warm Mediterranean climate are all plus points, and in 2022 he launched his own company VistaFutura to help other expats find a home by connecting with local architects and builders. Mr. Coe’s decision to establish .

“Later in life, I had a chance to do something I really wanted to do in a place I loved,” he said.

But moving wasn’t easy. He first had to find a way to live legally in Spain.

“I read law and immigration forums (a great way to improve my Spanish), queued for information, and called Spanish consulates to process visas and obtain residency on my own. did.”

He took several “wrong turns” and the process took a while, he said.

“But my own experience inspired me to start my own business to support people looking to move to Barcelona.”

Mr. Co has a permanent residence visa (Residencia Larga Duración), which allows him to live and work permanently in Spain. He says it won’t be too difficult for other U.S. citizens to obtain it, just requiring some diligence in putting together the paperwork and patience in completing the application.

Jordi Folci

Colorful tiles throughout the apartment help separate the various living spaces, including this work area.

He quickly adopted the Spanish rhythm of life and easygoing habits.

During the day, he stops at the local market to buy fresh produce for lunch. He then treats himself to a symbolic siesta and resumes his work in the afternoon, before going out with his friends for an evening of tapas and watching Spanish movies to hone his language skills.

On the weekends, I indulge my wanderlust and hop on a train or bus to hike along the coast or in the foothills of the mountains. Koe stays in a cozy and typical Pyrenees hostales.

The business he’s starting may be a dream job, but it comes with challenges, especially when dealing with American customers who can’t adjust to the slow-paced Spanish lifestyle and are hooked on the rat race. It also includes some interesting anecdotes.

“Americans try to do a lot in a short period of time, so they get frustrated when they can’t make an appointment in the middle of the afternoon or the store is closed on Sunday,” says Coe. “I hear complaints about how hard it is to get things done in Spain and how much easier it would be if you went to the United States. That kind of attitude is a surefire way to ensure you never adapt.”

Jordi Folci

The community Koe is currently a part of is a big part of the city’s appeal.

The Spanish lifestyle served as a useful lesson, teaching Coe to slow down and embrace the pace. He says things are done in a medical way and a little slower.

He also adopts a Spanish work schedule, taking breaks for long lunches and not returning to work until 4 p.m. But he can’t afford late dinners, which tend to start at 10 p.m. and drag on until midnight.

“Unless you’re a night owl, I think it’s hard to eat dinner after 9pm and go to bed around 11pm. It’s taxing on your digestive system.”

Going grocery shopping is more relaxing and involves healthy, light physical activity.

“I love buying fresh food and I love walking to the market instead of having to get in the car and go to a huge grocery store.”

Coe said the cost of living is lower than in the United States, but so are Spanish salaries. But if you’re getting a salary commensurate with U.S. incomes, it’s a great value.

Prices in Spain have been rising recently due to inflation, which has also affected real estate prices, but a lunchtime meal in a non-touristy part of Barcelona can cost at most around 14 euros (about $15), but it also comes with good coffee. is 2.50 euros (about $2.75), and many are about the same. According to Ko, it’s half the price in the United States.

On the downside, Coe has noticed an increase in overtourism in Barcelona’s popular spots, with crowds filling museums and major tourist attractions. And the lines at airport immigration are getting longer.

But the pros of living in Spain far outweigh the cons, says Coe. For example, you don’t have to stress about paying for your health insurance. In Spain, you are eligible for national health insurance because you contribute through social security payments and have lived in Spain for at least five years.

And life in Spain gave Coe an enviable gift.

“There is less urgency, more time, more time to travel and discover.”

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