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Why Empathy is the Cornerstone of Every Successful Startup

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Startups are fast-paced, innovative and disruptive — at least, the good ones are. As a founder, your role goes beyond generating big ideas or securing funding – in fact, it’s mostly about hiring, working alongside, and leading your team to get your company where it needs to be.

Everyone has their own leadership style – some are hands-off, and some are very in-depth. All have their pros and cons. My approach differs depending on the department and even staff members. The one thing that doesn’t change is that I try to lead with empathy in every single situation.

The empathy advantage

Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. When you’re a leader at a startup, it means recognizing and resonating with your team members’ experiences, challenges and aspirations.

It’s obvious to say that working at a startup can be a bit of a leap of faith. Startup employees are placing trust in both the founder and the product, hoping that it will all work out. Their success (and income) relies on the company’s success. The least you can do for the people trusting you so completely is be empathetic to their concerns.

Empathy doesn’t just keep your people happy; it fosters effective communication, collaboration, and trust, too. I’ve found the best way to hear people out is to do so literally. At my startup, we’ve implemented an open-door policy. Anyone can talk to me anytime – be it about problems, new concepts, or even non-work things like family struggles. Having these conversations has made my employees feel valued, heard, and even more creative than before.

Recently, a couple of team members came to me with an idea. We’d been experiencing a bit of a lull, and they were looking to explore new projects — they wanted to create an air quality index system. They’d done the research, reached out to a potential partner and were excited about the concept. Not only was the pitch brilliant, but it ended up being one of our more successful projects to date, opening up a world of new and exciting innovations for us to pursue.

It sounds simple, but taking the time to listen to team members genuinely helps them feel included in the organization and encourages the dialogue needed for innovation to flourish.

If I hadn’t made a point of having these chats with my team, they’d never have felt comfortable being open and honest with me in return, let alone come up with lucrative new ideas for the organization to pursue.

Related: Why Empathy is Crucial to Your Success in the Business World

Navigating challenges with emotional intelligence

Coming from Libya, resilience isn’t exactly foreign to me. I was born and raised in a country that has been devastated by civil wars and environmental catastrophes. I’m used to setbacks and uncertainty, to say the least. Running a startup isn’t too big of a jump.

Dealing with a crisis helps you understand how important empathy is. Whether nationwide or just at your organization, understanding the emotions of others (staff and customers, both) and managing your emotional responses is key to getting through the tough times.

There was a major setback in a project recently. We’d been working for months on a digital archiving system. The team was struggling to turn the software into an app, and the project was beginning to drag – deadlines were approaching, and we weren’t even close to reaching them. I could see that my team was starting to panic. When we had our check-ins, everyone seemed to be on edge. A few staff members even asked me if there would be layoffs due to the hold-ups.

I knew it was time to have an all-hands meeting and discuss what was happening with the project. I started the conversation by telling the team there would be no layoffs. Instantly, I could see that everyone was relieved. With the tension alleviated, I got into the weeds with my team about what went wrong and where. After we figured out what had led us astray, we were able to come up with an action plan to get the project back on track. We weren’t on our original timeline, but we were able to speed up the process.

By staying attuned to the emotional state of their team, founders can address concerns quickly and provide the support the team needs. You won’t see solid output when your employees sweat over potentially losing their jobs. Because I was able to have transparent and authentic conversations through this rough patch, we fostered a culture of trust and resilience within the startup.

Related: Cultivate Resilience and Mental Health Within Yourself

The bottom line: Empathy drives success

In the competitive world of startups, the pressure to succeed can be overwhelming. While leading with empathy may seem like a soft skill compared to the hard metrics of revenue and growth, it’s clear that empathy is more than just a feel-good concept. Empathetic leaders benefit from a strategic advantage that drives sustainable success. The success that you can see is reflected back in hard metrics down the line.

As the startup landscape continues to evolve, one thing remains constant – the human element. When you embrace empathy as a guiding principle, founders can build successful businesses as well as inclusive and resilient communities that stand the test of time. It’s not just about the products or services a startup delivers; it’s about the people who make it all possible.

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