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Ambassador: Presidential candidates understand that Ukraine’s future also affects Finland | News

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There is a common understanding in Finnish politics that Ukraine’s security also affects Finland’s security, says Estonia’s ambassador to Finland, Sven Sackhoff.

Finland is currently voting until a second round of elections, with former prime ministers Alexander Stubbe and Pekka Haavisto running for the third time.

Sackhoff, who admits that as a diplomat he cannot take sides under any circumstances, told ETV’s diplomatic program “Vallissilm” on Monday that either candidate could become head of state and unify society in Estonia’s northern neighbor. He said he could do it.

He also pointed out the differences in the presidential position in Finland, where direct elections are held by the Finnish people, and in Estonia, where most heads of state are elected by parliament.

“The Finnish presidency has a very strong mandate from the people,” Sackhoff said. “But also in Finland, unlike in Estonia, the presidency has a leading role in shaping foreign policy and a very strong mandate from the people.” “It is clearly linked to the United States and plays a leading role in defense management.”

Sackhoff said Finns take their country’s defense and security very seriously.

“In Finland, we have a strong concept of national defense and are confident in it, but now NATO membership has been added to Finland’s own national defense.”

Finland officially joined NATO last year, applying in the wake of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, but it has now been almost two years since then, with Russia making little progress.

Finland’s long border with the Russian Federation was an important factor in joining Finland.

“They themselves will stress that they have a separate military cooperation agreement with the United States, and such cooperation provides further assurance. This is not a matter of fear, but of preparedness, and as always, The more prepared we are, the more confident we will feel. Perhaps we need to apply this preparation to real-life scenarios,” the ambassador continued.

Previously, Finnish politicians thought it was possible to talk to Russia and resolve the issue peacefully, but Sackhoff said opinion in Finland has now changed.

“There is a general climate in Finnish politics at the moment. And I’m not just talking about the two remaining presidential candidates, but all nine who entered the first round. That means they all have a common “We had an understanding. It is impossible to hold any dialogue with Russia at this time,” Sackhoff continued.

“All nine candidates agreed on the need to continue supporting Ukraine with military aid and supplies, even if military aid from other EU member states begins to stall for Ukraine. Security affects Ukraine.”I had a very clear understanding of Finland’s security and future in a very direct way,” he summed up.

The second presidential election runoff will be held in Finland on February 11th.

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“Valissilm”, interviewer Astrid Canel.

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