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Monday, September 23, 2024

Report of the Development Policy Commission on Democracy and Civil Society

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In times of uncertainty, democracy anywhere in the world can be at risk. That’s why Finland should be more active in defending democracy at home and abroad.

This is in a report released on January 30 by the Development Policy Committee’s expert group examining the global state of democracy and civil society and Finland’s contribution to strengthening democracy and civil society. This is the view expressed in The report also provides recommendations for measures that Finland can use to strengthen democracy globally in the implementation of development policies and other foreign and external relations.

Finland’s official policies and declarations express a strong commitment to promoting democracy worldwide. However, democracy was not a particularly strong priority area in Finland’s development policy until its rapid decline prompted reflection on how to strengthen Finland’s democratic activity and resist democratic decline. Ta. Like many other countries, Finland now needs to assess changes in the global operating environment and reconsider its own forms of support.

Finland must strengthen support for democracy

The report recognizes that democratic institutions, the rule of law and civic space are interconnected and emphasizes that support for democracy must always be seen as a whole. There should be different approaches and means to strengthen democracy in different types of situations. Current development policy instruments are designed to promote the development of democracy or to support the transition from authoritarian rule to democracy. However, these tools are insufficient in times of democratic decline, and more subtle approaches are needed.

The main recommendation of the Development Policy Commission’s report is that Finland’s development policy should strengthen its efforts to support democracy. Such investments pay off because successful democracy support can create a virtuous cycle that mutually reinforces the elements of democratic development.

Finland needs to improve the coordination, coherence and strategic elements of its efforts to support democracy and human rights and develop expertise in the diplomatic services. Furthermore, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs should better integrate the promotion of democracy and civic space into Finland’s foreign and security policy, international economic relations, development policy and international influence. Finland should include the expansion of civic space as another goal. The 2023 government program goal of reducing the number of national programs needs to be carefully considered from the perspective of democracy, human rights and the rule of law. Finland’s support for democracy also promotes gender equality and non-discrimination.

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