Copenhagen, Denmark (NEWSnet/AP) — Almost everything on a commercial aircraft is weighed, including fuel, baggage, cargo, and meals.

For passengers too, For carry-on baggage, most airlines use average data.

But Finland’s national carrier Finnair announced on Friday that it had started asking passengers to voluntarily and anonymously step onto a scale with their luggage at the country’s main airport in Helsinki.

The goal is for the airline to obtain a rating.

“We will need data for both winter and summer. In winter, people usually wear heavier clothing, which affects their weight,” said Finnair spokesperson Payvit Thorqvist. he told The Associated Press. The investigation will continue until May.

Passengers on European or long-haul flights will not be penalized for their weight and their numbers will be kept secret “from prying eyes,” Thorqvist added.

About 800 people have participated in the study so far, and those who agree to participate will receive a small gift: a reflective luggage tag, Thorqvist said.

Airlines may use official data from the European Union Aviation Safety Agency or conduct their own standard weight measurements, Thorqvist said. Finnair chose the latter, but safety authorities require the survey to be updated every five years.

The weight figures will be sent to the Finnish Transport and Communications Agency for balancing aircraft and payload calculations for the period 2025-2030.

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