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Finland, the waves that hit Arctic Sparta and the looming recession: Finland in the world press

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This article examines the reasons behind strikes, which are triggered by government intervention in workers’ rights and changes in labor and social legislation.

Finland is known for its strong tradition of cooperation between social partners, but in recent years there has been an increase in decentralization and sector-specific negotiations. The government aims to cap wage increases and curtail political strikes, which has sparked a backlash from labor groups. This change was accompanied by changes in legislation and the withdrawal of some industry associations from centralized agreements.

Concerns have been raised about the erosion of the tripartite principle and the move towards a more regulatory approach in labor law. The government’s increasing reliance on legislative measures rather than negotiated agreements raises questions about the future of this cooperative approach.

This wave of strikes reflects broader changes in the labor market and highlights the potential erosion of Finland’s trust-based social model.

author, Ulla Ryuknen Professor of Labor Law and Private International Law at the University of Helsinki. She has researched extensively in comparative labor law, international labor law, transnational law, and decent work.

The original article was published by Social Europe on February 13, 2024 and can be found here.

Life along the closed land border between Finland and Russia

An article about the closure of all eight borders between Finland and Russia euro news This article cites the threat posed by Russia-facilitated illegal immigration and provides insight into the fallout of the Finnish government’s decision to close its borders. The closure is expected to last until at least mid-April and comes amid national security concerns.

The Finnish government claims that Russia actively supports illegal immigrants by providing them with money, food, accommodation and transportation. Finnish officials see this as a form of “hybrid attack” against Finland, especially in the wake of Finland’s recent membership in NATO and opposition to Russia’s actions in Ukraine.

The closure of border crossings has raised concerns among NGOs, who say the lives of asylum seekers are at risk. Despite the criticism, recent opinion polls show strong support for border closure among Finns, with up to 80% of respondents in favor.

The article also highlights the experiences of asylum seekers affected by border closures. Some asylum seekers are: Nabil Morocco admitted that it was receiving help from Russian authorities to enter Finland. The closure has led to increased scrutiny of Finland’s immigration policies, with discussions about possible changes to refugee quotas and family reunification policies.

The original article was published by Euronews on 13 February 2024 and can be found here.

Temperature inspection of NATO’s “Arctic Sparta”

The military situation in Finland, including the base closest to mainland Russia, which is now accessible to the US military, is covered in the following article: foreign policy The article uses as an example the Lapland border guard base in the town of Ivalo, which is allowed to house American troops and equipment following Finland’s NATO membership and defense cooperation agreement with the United States.

The strategic move comes amid rising tensions in the Arctic region, where Finland is increasing its military capabilities to counter Russia’s presence. Finland’s entry into NATO marks a departure from its long-standing policy of military neutrality, transforming the country into what has been described as the “Sparta of the Arctic” with a highly trained military.

The article highlights Finland’s military preparedness, including compulsory military service, large infantry, and expertise in Arctic warfare. It also cites Finland’s powerful artillery and recent defense acquisitions, including F-35 fighter jets from the United States.

However, Finland’s increased military presence along its border with Russia has also raised concerns about potential escalation and hybrid threats from Moscow, including armed migration and covert operations.

“Although it is too early to assess what may be invested in Ivalo and the criteria have not been made public, the overall result is positive and will deepen cooperation between the two countries. “Deaf,” he says. Vir AtiainenDeputy Commander of the Lapland Border Guard.

author, andrea prada bianchi I’m a journalist based in New York. His work has been published in National His Geographic, The Intercept, Al Jazeera, Atlas Obscura, and several Italian publications.

The original article was published by Foreign Policy on September 2, 2024 and can be found here.

The fate of EU corporate sustainability due diligence worsens as Finland withdraws aid

Finland’s reservations towards the EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CS3D) were highlighted in the following article: forbes CS3D aims to establish standards for corporate due diligence on sustainability issues, with a focus on environmental issues, climate change and human rights within the EU. This article describes Finland’s opposition to CS3D in relation to relatively new aspects of Finnish law: the creation of corporate civil liability and the introduction of class actions.

Finland’s position on CS3D stems from concerns regarding the compatibility of certain aspects of the proposed legislation with Finland’s existing legislation. Despite the efforts of the Finnish Member of Parliament and the Vice-President of the European Parliament, Heidi Hautalato persuade a Grand Committee of the Finnish Parliament to reverse its position, but change seems unlikely.

Additionally, CS3D introduces the possibility of class actions, allowing groups of individuals affected by corporate activities to collectively claim damages. Finland’s legal framework may not be well-equipped to deal with the complexity and impact of such litigation, which may create challenges in implementation and enforcement.

The withdrawal of support from key EU member states such as Germany and Finland signals a major setback for CS3D. This loss of support has raised concerns among experts that the directive may not only face delays but may ultimately not come into force.

The original article was published by Forbes on July 2, 2024 and can be found here.

Finland’s preliminary figures suggest a return to recession

The following article discusses recent signs that the Finnish economy is heading back into recession based on preliminary figures. bloomberg This article details this economic downturn due to declines in industrial production and services.

According to preliminary figures from Statistics Finland, GDP declined by 0.4%, following a decline of 0.9% in the fourth quarter of the previous year.

The article highlights factors contributing to the recession, including high borrowing costs, weak consumer spending after two years of rapid growth, and slowing growth in export-oriented sectors.

The outlook for Finland’s economy remains weak, with the country’s central bank predicting another year of contraction. However, other institutions, including Finland’s leading mortgage finance company and the International Monetary Fund (IMF), have different forecasts. Finland’s central bank predicts stagnation, but the IMF forecasts modest growth of 0.5% due to a recovery in consumption and improved financial conditions.

The original article was published by Bloomberg on February 14, 2024 and can be found here.

Abandoned mine deep in Finland has been transformed into a giant gravity gun

The conversion of the Pihasalmi mine in Finland to a giant gravity battery was featured in the following article: IFL Science The mine can now store 2 megawatts of energy.

This article focuses on an innovative approach to harness abandoned mines to create sustainable energy storage infrastructure and contribute to the transition to a more renewable and green energy landscape.

As renewable energy sources become more widespread, the need for effective energy storage solutions becomes important. This article shows the benefits of gravity batteries that use potential energy to store excess energy.

In this case, weights such as water and sand move upward during periods of excess energy production and are released into the turbine when energy demand is high. Scottish company Gravitricity has developed a system to be installed in disused abandoned mines, and the Pyhhasalmi mine is the latest installation site.

The technology does not rely on rare earth metals and aims to provide a cost-effective and environmentally friendly alternative to traditional energy storage methods.

The original article was published by IFL Science on July 2, 2024 and can be found here.


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