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Prince Frederick of Denmark represents a new generation of monarchs

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Like most Brits, many Danes have known only one queen throughout their lives. The queen was very popular and was known for her sense of responsibility, her politeness, and her dedication to duty.

On Sunday, Queen Margrethe of Denmark announced she would abdicate this month. This will pave the way for her son Prince Frederick, 55, to ascend to the throne.

Like King Charles III, who inherited the throne after the death of his mother Elizabeth, Frederick has relentlessly covered his life in the media, appealing to younger generations who have embraced modern positions, primarily the fight against climate change. He is a member of the royal family. change.

Queen Margrethe once angered scientists by saying she wasn’t sure climate change was directly caused by humans, but her son is known to have a strong interest in environmental issues .

Prince Frederick said his trip to the North Pole forever changed his view of the climate crisis and convinced him it was his personal duty to speak out. He has attended the United Nations Climate Change Summit and given countless speeches and interviews on environmental issues, highlighting the urgency of action and pressuring investors to use their capital in ways that combat global warming. I called.

Pernille Almland, a communications professor at Denmark’s Roskilde University, said the modern royal family, like most companies, cannot avoid getting involved in climate issues. “They also have a brand,” she said.

However, Prince Frederick’s commitment to the environment comes as some believe it could be counterproductive to require members of the royal family to reduce emissions when they live in castles or travel by private jet. Questions have also arisen.

“The crown prince has to strike a balance,” Danish journalist Marie Ronde, who covers the royal family, said in an article published on the website of broadcaster TV2. She says, “There is a contradiction between being climate-friendly and showing grandeur and splendor.”

Charles’ recent coronation comes as polls show that Brits, especially young people, are tired of the boring ceremonies and elaborate decorations of the royal family.

But Danish royal watchers say Prince Frederick is showing a tendency to modernize the monarchy, at least in tone. Lars Hofbakke Sorensen, an expert on the Danish royal family, said Prince Frederik was known for speaking with an open mind and not placing too much emphasis on formality or titles.

“When various Danes met and talked to him, they always felt afterwards that they had just talked to Frederick,” Hofbacke-Sørensen said. “And it fits well with the era and importance of the royal family, which is being revamped and increasingly informalized.”

Hofbacke-Sørensen added that the Danish monarchy has already evolved much more rapidly than the British royal family and has become less traditional. Also, it wasn’t that fancy. Prince Frederik’s coronation on January 14 was not a multi-hour extravaganza with gold-decorated stagecoaches and acrobatic jets, as was the case with Prince Charles’ ascension, but a simple ceremony by the prime minister. It will be accompanied by a declaration. Christiansborg Palace in Copenhagen.

Denmark’s monarchy is also not very active. Although debates over the royal family occasionally rage in the news media, the Danish monarchy does not face the same amount of scandal, scrutiny and criticism as the British monarchy. More than 75 percent of Danes support a form of government with a royal head. In contrast, a recent YouGov poll found that around 62% of Brits support keeping the monarchy.

Still, the press has had an up-close look at royal life. In 1988, a Danish reporter made headlines for a car accident in which Prince Frederik’s brother lost control of his small Peugeot while in France. Four years later, Prince was a passenger in his girlfriend’s car when police stopped her. She was later fined for drink driving and not having a license.

In a biography of the prince written by Jens Andersen, Frederick is said to have said in his youth that the prospect of becoming king was a “fault” and that it made him anxious, shy and awkward.

But over the years, the prince earned a degree from Denmark’s Aarhus University, served in the army, air force and navy, and began an extensive military career as a member of the Frogman Corps, an elite maritime force.

As he better understood his responsibilities as a royal, the prospect of becoming king “went from kind of fear to awe,” he said.

Prince Frederick has also become known for his commitment to fitness, including running marathons and completing Ironman competitions, and has publicly promoted healthy living and personal well-being.

On Monday night, Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen made a last-minute change in the subject of her New Year’s speech, focusing on the succession to the throne.

“The Queen said in her own way, “I have a very reliable son,”” Frederiksen said.

“I would like to add that we have that confidence too,” she added. “Because we know the future king.”

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