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Finnish Presidential Candidate – Sari Essay

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early life:

Before entering politics, Essaya made a name for himself as a race walker, specializing in the 5,000m and 10,000m categories. She won the 1993 World Championship and the 1994 European Championship in the 10,000m event.

In recognition of her commitment to sport, Esseya became a member of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) in 2016. Additionally, in 2014 he became a member of the Ethics Committee of the Finnish Athletics Federation.

Essayah has a degree in economics and has contributed her expertise to roles such as accounting manager and auditor.

Political journey:
Essaya began his political career in 2003, representing the Christian Democratic Party in the Finnish parliament, after which he served as party secretary. Despite her setback in 2007, she continued her political career and she became a member of the European Parliament in 2009. Sari worked as a member of the European Parliament from 2009 until 2014.

In 2012, she took an important step by running for president. In 2015, she secured a seat in the National Assembly and became Deputy Speaker. Ms. Esaya, who was elected as her party chairperson in 2019, will take on a new role in her career with her appointment as Minister of Agriculture and Forestry in the Olupo Cabinet in June 2023, in line with her party’s focus on this sector. Added sides.

2024 Presidential Election:

On August 27, 2023, Essaya took on a new challenge by accepting the nomination of the Christian Democratic Party as its presidential candidate for the 2024 Finnish presidential election.

As a presidential candidate, Esseya envisions a Finland with a sustainable value base, prioritizing security, resilience and international cooperation. Apart from a focus on national defence, multilateral cooperation and NATO membership, Essaya believes that ensuring self-sufficiency, particularly in agriculture and the bioeconomy, is critical to security. In addition to this, Esseya advocates cooperation with the Nordic countries, the establishment of a common Arctic center, and contribution to nuclear deterrence training and planning, to strengthen Finland’s preparedness against geopolitical threats, while on the ground We are refraining from deploying weapons to

Sari Essay aims to promote the coexistence of ecological sustainability and economic growth through circular economy solutions, boosting Finland’s competitiveness, job creation and business. She advocated circular practices in agriculture, forestry, aquaculture and recycling, emphasizing increasing self-sufficiency, benefiting nature, increasing processing efficiency and ensuring sustainable resource use.

On defense, Sali Essayya called for investment in ground forces, alternative landing sites for fighter jets, barracks, renovation of buildings, and defense information systems. She identified Finland’s national defense as a key challenge in attracting young people to military careers, particularly the need to make officer careers more attractive as NATO organizations compete for talent. Emphasized gender. Essaya advocated the participation of more women in the military and suggested the possibility of a common conscription.

Politics and people:

Sari Essayya supports the politics of Christmas democracy advocated by her political party. She also has socially conservative policy orientation. She encourages “respect for human dignity” and supports the promotion of family values, community support, protection of the vulnerable, and individual and collective responsibility.

Esseya emphasized the importance of religious values ​​in Finnish culture, arguing that Christianity integrates seamlessly into society and provides a strong moral and ethical framework. She highlighted the forgotten contribution of religion to the foundations of nations and emphasized that deeply rooted values ​​contribute to the prosperity of societies.

According to Essaya, in a Christian democracy, people view creation as a temporary resource to be passed on to the next generation and are entrusted with responsible stewardship. This ideology also emphasizes practices such as energy conservation and recycling and promotes a sensible lifestyle.

Sari Essayya has demonstrated a passion for environmental conservation by developing an appreciation for nature, especially forests, from an early age and learning the importance of respecting its delicate balance. Growing up in Pojois-Sabot, she was immersed in the natural charm of her countryside. Skiing meant navigating untrodden slopes, and winters included feeding the birds in the garden with her grandmother.

The Christian Democratic Party, led by Sari Esseya, has influenced Finland’s newest government by focusing on supporting families and tackling social issues. The party called for an increase in childcare expenses for families with young children and enhanced allowances for single-parent families.

In June 2009, Sari Essaya was elected to the European Parliament and joined the European People’s Party. She took an active part in committees and delegations, particularly on employment, social issues, and relations with Israel. She opposed the EU joint debt, Eurobonds and budget increases, arguing instead for structural reforms and responsible economic policies.


Essaya’s political career has not been without controversy. Her disapproval of the government’s participation in Helsinki Pride sparked controversy. She opposed government involvement in events that reflect ideologies that are not universally shared, and she faced criticism for appearing to ignore the LGBTQ+ community. The Christian Democratic Party, led by Sari Essaya, opposed reforms to both transgender and abortion laws. Essaya told Ale that identity politics should not interfere with the democratic process, but she stressed that all MPs have the right to follow their conscience.

He also drew scrutiny for defending a special lynx hunting license that allows him to hunt up to 300 lynx. Despite advocating population control, the decision faced backlash for potentially impacting lynx conservation.

Essaya had previously opposed the European Commission’s proposed ban on herring fishing in the Baltic Sea, calling it disproportionate and unreasonable. The European Commission initially proposed banning herring fishing due to declining stocks.

Like other party members, she is an ardent supporter of Israel and cannot under any circumstances criticize or condemn Israel. Her party has responded to an attempt to ban Holocaust denial, which has nothing to do with the issue of discrimination against Muslim immigrants in Finland, and racial concerns caused by the resurfacing of racist remarks and comments by the Finnish party’s Pullar. It sparked discrimination and an immigration crisis.

Interesting quote:

“Personally, I think it is important, especially for the Christian Democratic Party, that in this election we can emphasize Christian democratic values ​​based on the image of Christian humanity. Therefore, the foundation of Finnish society As many Finns as possible who share these values ​​will be able to find their own candidates.”

“We want to foster decisions that create confidence in the future and support the well-being of families, children and young people, and the participation of all citizens. Children, young people and families also support future government policy. It has to be at the center of — if that’s the policy of the future.”

“The message from Statistics Finland is quite alarming. The birth rate has been declining for five years in a row, and people are losing the desire to have children and are putting off starting a family. At the turn of the century, we had one of the highest birth rates in Europe, but that is no longer the case.”

“It is therefore a great disappointment that some of the austerity measures are hitting families with children particularly hard. We’re going to raise it, we’re going to double the cost of after-school activities.”

“Increasing understanding of forests is an important way to influence the EU. In this way, we can ensure the sustainability of forestry and provide solutions to carbon binding and climate change. can.”

“You have to understand that there are people like that.” [in the government] Those who do not share the views and objectives of the Pride movement. This event is starting to become quite political, and as a representative of public authority, I would like to avoid participating in such things. People can have different views on issues and promote the issues they want to promote as individuals. ”

“In countries where active euthanasia has been legalized, the level of palliative care has decreased as a result. Rather than legalizing an activity deemed unethical by the World Medical Association and the Hippocratic Oath, We must take intentional steps to improve the quality of care for terminally ill patients.”

“When it comes to family policy, I think the family values ​​of the Christian Democrats are probably the closest thing to Muslim voters.”

“It is Hamas, not Israel, that is killing Gaza residents.”


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