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Presidential leadership, global dynamics, and national priorities

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Sari Essayya has previously said she stands out from her competitors by being a conservative choice for voters. Asked about bridging the gap between different values ​​while maintaining a conservative stance, Esaya emphasized the importance of free speech and respect for others, and the president’s role in promoting tolerance and understanding. emphasized.

“Liberal candidates will face the same challenges. The president’s duty is not to hold people to the same opinion, but to set an example of tolerance and understanding, so we must embrace freedom of speech and respect for others.” I want to emphasize that,” Esaya said.

Commenting on the work of outgoing President Sauli Niinisto over his two terms, Essaya rated the president’s performance a solid 9 on a scale of 1 to 10. But his performance in difficult times has been outstanding,” Esaya told the Helsinki Times.

Finland’s NATO membership and global impact

Regarding Finland’s recent membership in NATO, Esaya noted that while it has not influenced the country’s policy at the United Nations, it has strengthened relations with Western allies. He emphasized Finland’s commitment to the rule of law, human rights, equality and democracy in its foreign and security policy. “NATO membership has not affected our policy at the United Nations, but it has brought us even closer to our Western allies. This allows Finland to take a stronger position in the European and transatlantic security communities. Finland’s foreign and security policy is based on the rule of law, human rights, equality and democracy. Close cooperation with partners, good bilateral relations and respect and strengthening of multilateral international law are Finland’s It is the basis of international relations,” Esaya said.

Ukraine conflict and relations with Russia

Mr. Esseya discusses the prospects for relations between Finland and Russia, highlighting the uncertainty surrounding Russia’s credibility in international relations and the need for Russia to hold the Putin regime accountable for war crimes in its ongoing attack on Ukraine. Emphasized gender.

“Russia’s war against Ukraine violates international law and the principles of the United Nations Charter. It undermines the security and stability of Finland and all of Europe and undermines Russia’s credibility as a partner in international agreements. It charges the Putin regime with war crimes, humanitarian It is vitally important that Ukraine be held accountable for its crimes and genocide, and that Russia must compensate Ukraine for the damage and destruction that is being caused. I don’t think it’s sexual at all,” Esaya said.

Essaya defended Finland’s position in the Russia-Ukraine conflict, citing Finland’s cooperation with Ukraine, the EU and the United States. “Is there a balanced approach when an aggressive country attacks a peaceful and sovereign neighbor? Finland has some experience of such situations,” Esaya said.

Relations between China and the Eastern Front

While recognizing China’s growing global role as a challenge for Finland and Europe, the Minister also emphasized that China is an important trading partner for Finland. He also emphasized the importance of reducing strategic dependencies.

“China’s growing global role and aspirations for a new world order pose challenges for Finland and Europe. Finland’s China policy is determined through Finland’s membership in the European Union and NATO. The government aims to reduce strategic dependence on China. At the same time, China is an important trading partner for Finland and Finland will maintain functional relations with China. Global relations between great powers Escalating conflicts and tensions are having a major impact on security, economics, technology, security of supply, industry and trade.Erosion of the rules-based international system, rise of strongman politics, barriers to free trade, “All the challenges posed by protectionism, even among like-minded countries, challenge Finland’s foreign and security policy,” Esaya said.

Finland’s response to the Gaza conflict

Regarding Finland’s reaction to Israel’s actions in Gaza, Sari Essayya stressed the need to condemn the previous attack by Hamas as terrorism and pointed to Israel’s right to protect its borders. Esseya also stressed the importance of delivering humanitarian aid to Gaza.

“I supported Finland’s policy of abstaining from the UN resolution because it neither condemns the attack by the terrorist organization Hamas nor demands the release of the hostages. At the same time, we support the right to bring humanitarian aid to Gaza, and that Hamas does not represent all the people living in Gaza, uses them as human shields, and protects their lives. “It’s important to understand that we don’t care,” she said.

Relations and defense agreements with the United States

Regarding the recent Finnish defense agreement with the United States that allows the presence of foreign troops in Finland, Essaya said that this agreement and Finland’s membership in NATO will strengthen Nordic security and bring Finland into the European and Transatlantic Security Community. He emphasized that he was able to build a solid position within the country. “With NATO membership, Finland has become a military ally. Finland’s NATO membership and DCA with the United States will strengthen Finland’s security and Nordic stability. It allows us to build a stronger position in the security community. As a NATO member, Finland maintains a reliable defense capability in all situations and is ready to support our NATO allies in accordance with their obligations,” Esaya said. .

“Finland wants a stronger European Union and a stronger European defense within the framework of NATO. As a NATO member, Finland maintains reliable defense capabilities in all situations and supports its NATO allies in accordance with its obligations. “Article 5 also includes nuclear deterrence, and in some cases Finland may allow transit through the country,” he added.

The rise of the right wing in the EU and Finland’s reputation

Following the evolution of Europe’s political landscape, particularly the rise of right-wing governments, Sari Esseya shared his views on how this dynamic impacts Finland’s global standing. Mr. Essaya acknowledged the current centre-right government and stressed the country’s commitment to respecting the results of democratic elections, even if political disagreements persist.

“Ours is a centre-right government and we usually respect the democratic results of elections, even if we disagree on politics. My answer is that our party, the Christian Democrats, Values. The Christian Democratic Party’s core value is human dignity. Everyone is unique and indispensable. Human dignity lies in who a person is, not in what he or she does or what he or she is capable of. It is valuable regardless of gender, age, position, religion, birth or any other criteria,” Esaya pointed out.

agriculture and sustainability

Given his extensive background as Minister of Agriculture and Forestry, Sari Essaya told Helsinki Time how he hopes to use this experience to respond to the evolving needs of the agricultural sector. He said there is an essential link between sustainability and the competitiveness of domestic food production, and the importance of providing appropriate incentives to support environmentally responsible practices within the farming community. Emphasized gender. “Sustainability and competitiveness of domestic food production are closely linked. Measures with short-term or long-term impact can be taken to improve profitability and resolve the agricultural liquidity crisis. Deaf,” Esaya said.

“No decisions will be taken during the government’s term that will increase costs in the agricultural sector. The work farmers do to reduce their environmental footprint is valuable. This work must be cost-effective and appropriate incentives provided. “It must be done,” she stressed.

Strengthen defenses against hybrid warfare

Regarding strengthening the resilience of the Finnish military against geopolitical threats, including cyber warfare, Esseya said that improvements to Finland’s comprehensive security, including improved detection and prevention of cyber threats and expanded powers to thwart cyber espionage. We have outlined practical approaches to this.

She elaborated as follows: “The Government will strengthen comprehensive security, resilience and security of supply. Finland will prepare realistically and decisively for internal and external security threats. In doing so, Finland will support new forms of international cooperation. will be utilized.”

Expanding the focus on cybersecurity, Esseya said: “Detection and prevention of cyber threats will be improved. “Provisions will be made regarding the powers to interfere with devices and software that are hosted in Finland. We will consider extending the obligation to assist the authorities with service providers located in Finland, such as data center companies.”

economic challenges

In response to the current recession and debt crisis, Mr. Esaya advocated for the government’s economic priorities, focusing on balancing government finances, creating jobs, and protecting welfare services.

“The government’s economic policy priorities are economic stability, employment, economic growth and the protection of welfare services. The government balances the general budget to ensure the welfare of its citizens and the sustainable development of the economy. “The government’s employment and growth measures and direct adjustment measures will create the conditions for a balanced general government budget in 2031,” Esaya said.

Campaign costs and funding sources

In order to provide transparency, Mr. Esseya shared that the general election costs amounted to approximately 60,000 euros, including contributions from parties, local organizations, individuals and his own investments. “Everything costs about 60,000 to 35,000 euros from the party and 7,000 euros from the party’s local organizations. Private donations are 8,000 and 10,000 euros from me,” Esaya said.

– Sonali Theran


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