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Monday, September 23, 2024

Russia discovers S-300 “Country Air Defense” near the Gulf of Finland

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Following the successful Ukrainian drone attack on the Ustiluga gas export terminal, the Russian Air Force has strategically redeployed S-300P family air defense systems to strengthen air defense around St. Petersburg. [located where the Neva River flows into the Gulf of Finland].

Russia discovers S-300
Photo credit: AFP

The Ukrainian military offensive, witnessed by local residents and recorded on video, demonstrated the ability to attack targets more than 1,000 kilometers inside Russian territory, leading to the rapid deployment of such defense squadrons.

Despite Russia’s impressive air defense record, the sheer number of small, low-cost unmanned aircraft deployed by Ukraine could be overwhelming. Compact size and cost efficiency allow for swarm launches. Even if a small percentage of these attacks reach their targets, the resulting fallout can significantly exceed operational costs.

What do we know about the S-300P/PT?

Back in 1987, more than 80 innovative systems known as S-300PT were in operation near Moscow.Each unit was a combination of 36D6 surveillance radars [also known to NATO as Tin Shield]30N6 Fire Control System [FLAP LID], and rockets like the 5P85-1 semi-truck. Low altitude detection radar “76N6” [or CLAM SHELL]which was also commonly part of the setup.

Equipped with a passive electronically scanned array radar, the S-300PT system had the unique ability to engage multiple targets simultaneously through a single fire control system. The system is designed to be semi-mobile and can be ready for launch in just over an hour. However, this convenience had the disadvantage that the missile’s hot launch mechanism could damage the transporter erector launcher. [TEL].

Russia discovers S-300
Photo credit: Twitter

Domestic and overseas market

The original concept was to incorporate truck veer missiles. [TVM] However, this proved to be unreliable when tracking targets below 500 meters in height. [1,600 ft]. This allowed incoming SEAD aircraft to effectively use terrain masking to avoid detection. As a result, a command and guidance system was introduced to enhance the surveillance of low-altitude targets. This system helps guide the missile during the initial stages of flight and can reduce the minimum engagement altitude to 25 meters. [82 ft].

Due to continuous enhancements, several sub-versions of the S-300P have been introduced in both domestic and international markets. The S-300PT-1 and S-300PT-1A were both incremental upgrades and utilized the advanced 5V55KD missile using a cold launch method. This improvement not only reduced setup time to 30 minutes, but also enabled trajectory optimization, extending the 5V55KD’s reach up to 75 kilometers. [47 mi].

S-300 and S-400

The S-300P system family has been in service since 1978, paving the way for a technologically advanced version of the S-400 (formerly known as the S-300 PM-3) in the mid-2000s. . The “P” in the name stands for his PVO-Strony, meaning Air Defense.

The system’s substantial asymmetrical value led the Russian Ministry of Defense to invest more in purchasing the S-400 than in all types of combat aircraft combined. This investment is widely seen as a catalyst for the re-industrialization of Russia’s air defense bases, facilitating exceptional mass production unmatched by any other global system.

Initially, the S-300 was conceived as a medium-range system, with the Cold War version having a range of less than 100 km. However, modern upgrades and innovative and efficient missile designs in the 1990s enhanced its long-range air defense capabilities. The 48N6 missile extended the range to 150 km, the 48N6E2 reached up to 200 km, and his latest 48N6E3 variant extended the range to 250 km in his early 2000s.

Replacement from S-200

This significant increase in range made it possible to replace the former Soviet Union’s S-200 system, which previously served as regional defense. Despite the S-200’s commendable performance and its extensive engagement range of 300 km, its static design had significant disadvantages.

In contrast, the S-300’s high maneuverability greatly contributed to its survival. Excellent at deploying multiple compatible types of air-to-air missiles, strengthening the air defense layer and enabling the use of cost-effective missiles like the 9M96 against nearby or low-value targets .

Alongside the S-400, a more maneuverable S-300 variant, the S-300V4, is intended for Army units and is currently manufactured on a smaller scale, but incorporates many similar technologies. Built-in.


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